Topographie Marrakech


Topography is the science that involves measuring and representing on a map or plan the shapes and visible details of the terrain, whether natural (such as relief and hydrography) or artificial (like buildings, roads, etc.). Its objective is to determine the position and altitude of any point within a given area, ranging from the size of a continent, country, field, or city block.


Geodesy is the science that studies the dimensions and shape of the Earth, as well as its gravitational field. Its primary goal is to develop terrestrial reference systems that any user or creator of georeferenced data can access through networks. The adoption and implementation of such reference systems are essential tools for geographic information and positioning in general.
Géodésie Marrakech
SIG Marrakech

GIS (Geographic Information System)

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is an information system designed to collect, store, process, analyze, manage, and present all types of spatial and geographic data. A GIS consists of two essential elements: geographic layers, which provide information about the shape and location of observed objects in space, and attribute data, alphanumeric data that describe geographic objects, including qualitative and/or quantitative characteristics.

New Technologies

Today, new technologies are significantly influencing the field of geomatics. Advances in digital data production and processing techniques allow for increasingly innovative territorial descriptions. Among these technologies are laser scanning and drones.
Nouvelles technologies
Lasergrammetrie Marrakech

Laser Scanning

3D laser scanning is a 3D scanning and acquisition device used for laser scanning services. It analyzes objects or their immediate environment to gather precise information about their shape and potentially their appearance (color, texture, etc.). The 3D laser scanner scans space vertically, measuring millions of points with a laser beam. A comprehensive point cloud is generated and can be processed with specific software to produce various deliverables (CAD, videos, images, etc.).


High-performing and affordable drones (unmanned aerial vehicles without passengers onboard) have emerged in recent years. Equipped with various tools (cameras, thermal cameras, GPS, etc.), they can perform numerous tasks on construction sites and facilitate the work of building professionals (inspection of hard-to-reach areas, creation of 3D terrain models, etc.).
Drone topographe Marrakech


High-level competence across multiple disciplines through a multidisciplinary team.


Equipped with the most advanced tools and computer software.


Possessing both classic and modern equipment for carrying out our missions.
